I wasn't born a runner. In fact, up until about 5 years ago, I hated it. You wanna know a funny story? After high school, my mom PAID one of my former teammates to take me running to get ready for collegiate softball. Crazy, right? I can still remember the day I ran my first mile. And then my second. I can remember how FAR 2 miles felt (some days, it still does!). I remember the first day I broke a 9 minute mile and even more so, the day I broke 7! I also remember the day that I started running and just kept going because it felt like I was flying. That's the day I fell in love with the sport.
When I say running changed my life, I mean it. It taught me discipline, goal setting, mental toughness, and more so taught me that when times get tough, you just gotta keep going. When I'm in the zone, nothing else matters. I've ran on birthdays, holidays, my wedding day--some people celebrate special occasions with parties, I celebrate by lacing up my shoes and getting in some good miles.
I love this sport and am so excited to see where it takes me.
5k: 21:08 Firecracker 5000 in Hilton Head
8k: 37:48
10k: 46:00 Guest River Gorge 10k
Half Marathon: 1:36:58 Kentucky Derby Half Marathon
Marathon: 3:50:23 Anthem Richmond Marathon
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