Tuesday, March 24, 2015

TOTR: Favorite Race Signs!

It's time for another edition of Tuesday's on the Run, one of my favorites!

Today's topic; Race signs! 

I absolutely love race signs, especially during longer distance races. There's always that moment in my head when I start doubting my abilities or start thinking way too much about how many miles I have left instead of what I've already ran. That's when a funny or inspirational sign really comes in handy. They get my mind off the race for a few moments and make me realize just how awesome it is that I'm running a freakin' hard race! 

Here are a few of my favorites that I've seen over the years.

This one always makes me feel pretty badass. How awesome is it that we train months for something so hard that only lasts a few hours and completely exhausts us? Not many people can do that. 

Haha, so true. Mad props to all of the spectators out there. You have no idea how much you help during a race! 

You have no idea. Hopefully a good t-shirt and medal are involved too. 

Always much appreciated. 

I love this one. Anyone that's ran a longer distance race can appreciate this. This takes me back to my very first half marathon...ha. 

And I'm totally ending on this one because.. it wins. 

What are some of your favorite race signs? 

I hope I see some good ones when I run the Kentucky Derby half next month! 



  1. I forgot about the worst parade ever signs!! Those always crack me up too!

  2. Hahahaha! Man, I love reading race signs!

    1. me too! Especially towards the end of a run when I'm in need of a pick-me-up!!

  3. Some of those signs I have seen on race shirts. So funny! -L

  4. I haven't seen the first one before. I've got to remember that one!! Great.
