It's been a long, LONG week and I'm so glad it's FINALLY Friday! I'm taking the day off from work--my birthday is tomorrow so I'm treating myself for once! :)
Friday Favorites
1. The Black List. Okay, I know I'm so far behind the times it's not even funny but Peter & I started watching on Netflix this week and we are both obsessed! I don't really have time to keep up with TV shows on a regular basis so I'm always like, 3 seasons off on everything. Anyway, this show is GOOD. We've been averaging around 2 episodes a night so, not too shabby! I cannot WAIT to see what happens!
2. Finding some killer new (to me) blogs to read! I'm especially obsessed over Peanut Butter Runner's workout page. I plan on adding several of those into my routine next week! I love finding people out there with a passion for health & wellness like me! I'm just starting my professional journey so it's fun to find those who have been doing it for a while now. And I always love a good running blog. ALWAYS.
3. I'm going to be a Spartan.. AGAIN! I'm heading to Atlanta a month from tomorrow to participate in the Atlanta Sprint! I absolutely LOVE Spartan Races and out of all the obstacle races I've done (Tough Mudder, Rugged Maniac, Go Dirty Girl..), it is by FAR my favorite. I love that it not only incorporates obstacles but also has fitness challenges mixed in. It's TOUGH and I definitely felt accomplished after completing last year's Charlotte sprint. If you ever get a chance to do a spartan, don't pass it up! It's so worth it.
4. Again, my workouts this week. I've had some great runs, awesome WODS, and feel like I'm making progress toward my goals. This is a lame one but when you feel good about what you're doing, gosh darn it you just have to tell the world. And my main boss (umm, the Chancellor of our College) sent me a birthday card and totally wrote #beastmode. So that was pretty awesome.
5. BIRTHDAY WEEKEND!! I have no plans other than an 8-9 mile run tomorrow morning OUTSIDE (YES!) and watching Louisville play UVA tomorrow night. And that's perfectly okay with me. I requested an awesome salad bar for dinner and this pie. 27, you've been good to me (re: too good) but 28... let's do this.
Have a great weekend! And GO CARDS!
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