Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday Favorites

The never-ending weekend continues! Friday, Monday... what's the difference this week?!

Linking up with Fitting It All In, Meet Me At the Barre, High Five For Friday,  and Oh Hey Friday!

1. I purchased my first JUNK headband after reading about them on Carrots-n-Cake last week! I figured I needed something to tame my bangs for Spartan Race next weekend (I love SR headbands but I have a LOT of hair!) and sprung for this super cute polka dot one! I can't wait until it comes in!

2. This pin I found on Pinterest. I posted it on Instagram a few days ago and had so many likes. But seriously, is this not true? When I'm on the treadmill, I'm constantly breaking down the time I have left in a million different ways. ha. Love it.

3. I've had so much fun beginning to plan our girls weekend getaway in Asheville in a few weeks! It will be the weekend before St. Patrick's Day so we're looking for some fun shenanigans to get into. I've been to Asheville a few times before but not really all that familiar with the town. Anyone have any must-do's?! I. CAN'T. WAIT.

Flashback Friday to that time I spend St. Patrick's Day in Ireland and kissed the Blarney Stone... maybe again next year?!

4. I've had some really great workouts this week. Great runs, great WODs, great class. Basically, since I've now been off for a solid 14 days, I've enjoyed having time in the gym to get some longer workouts in. Don't get me wrong, I know short and sweet workouts are just as effective if done right but sometimes, it's nice to really appreciate the workout and take it all in. 

5. THE WEATHER NEXT WEEK!! After 2 solids weeks of crap, we're supposed to get up to almost 60 (SIXTY!!) next week. If that's not a cause for celebration, I don't know what is. Now I just have to get my body used to getting up at 5:15am every morning again. Boo! BUT... I'm happy to get back on schedule. :)

What was the best part of your week?!

Have a great weekend! 



  1. I definitely divide down my time when I'm at the gym too. Somehow it helps!

  2. Yay for planning trips!! We just booked a trip last night and it is so fun to have something exciting to look forward to!

    1. i agree! i have a couple coming up and i'm super excited! helps break up the monotony of winter!!

  3. Yay for the Asheville trip. I really need to make time to go because I've always wanted to! And I currently have about 17.5" of snow in my backyard, but warmer temps are coming next week!!!!!

    Thanks for joining us for H54F:)
