Thursday, March 19, 2015

Thinking Out Loud

Happy Thursday! So glad this week is almost over!

Time to do a little Thinking Out Loud!

1. Being a grown up is hard. For real. So many decisions, so many questions, so many choices. Can I just go back to the time when all I had to think about was going to class and doing homework?! Jeeze. More insight on this at a later date.

2. It's official. The combo of Arctic Zero + calorie free chocolate syrup (surprisingly good) + chocolate PB2 + a spoonful of my fake cookie dough dip = HEAVEN. And I know it's good because I made the combo for Peter last night and he LOVED it. He typically turns his  nose up at my healthy(er) substitutes.

3. Core work is totally my kryptonite. I can run, lift weights, do insanity, etc alllll day long but when it comes to working my abs, I HATE it. BUT that being said, I'm making a conscious effort over the next couple of months to start adding more in. Stronger core = stronger runner. That's my mentality.

4. I'm so ready to head to Florida next month! My boss & I are going for a fitness conference and although I know I'll be absolutely EXHAUSTED by the time it's over, I'm so excited to check out new workouts, get certified to teach some new things, and bring back some awesome ideas to our wellness center! I truly love what I do ya'll! Working at a college + fitness = DREAM.

5. Speaking of Florida, it got me thinking about Peter & I's honeymoon and how much FUN we had! We spent a few days at Universal Studios because we're totally Harry Potter nerds and then went on a 5 day cruise! We had so much fun! I felt like I was in college again--especially on the bar crawl in Key West. You're looking at the Conch blowing champion of my group. I knew all of those years playing trumpet would pay off one day.

6. My house is an absolute disaster zone right now. Blah. Since I'm just thinking out loud, I figured I'd add that in.

7. I've got to take the Serv Safe exam next week for one of my online classes (RD program!) and I'm not prepared. At all. Which means this weekend I'll be studying my BUTT off.

8. And finally, I leave you with this. Because let's face it, it's the total truth.

Have a great Thursday!


1 comment:

  1. Being a grown up is totally hard most of the time!! Hang in there :) and a fitness conference in FL sounds like so much fun...
